One AutoCAD – Has CadJedi Bitten Off More Than He Can Chew? [PART 7]

Things have been a bit quiet from me for a while. I apologise. That thing called life gets in the way, followed by work, followed by replying to emails, followed by……well, you get the picture, right? I promise I will try to be less tardy and if you see me at Autodesk University 2019 (AU2019) […]

AutoCAD 2019 – There can be only ONE….

For those of you old enough to remember the movie Highlander, when the Quickening starts there can be only one. Apart from the stunning Queen soundtrack, it was a great movie, and Connor MacLeod (actor Christopher Lambert) of the clan MacLeod was THE one, combined with incredible support from famous co-star Sean Connery as Juan […]

Not Just CAD! – January 2018 – 30 Years

So, here we are. Nearly at the end of the first month of another year. Christmas is done and the tree is outside looking a bit sorry for itself (awaiting recycling – save the planet, right?). New Year’s Eve has been and gone and Auld Lang Syne is just another memory. I know this blog […]