Terrific Tuesday #005 | FM & COVID-19

I want to refer you back to last week’s Terrific Tuesday #004, where I talked you through a simple COVID-19 classroom drawing I created in AutoCAD. Imagine that scene in a classroom, back in 1918, with the Spanish flu pandemic. According to Wikipedia, it killed 500 million worldwide. There were no computers, no AI to […]

Terrific Tuesday #004 | AutoCAD – A simple COVID 19 classroom

I took a Monday out yesterday. Within the current climate, you must deal with personal stuff, and yesterday was one of those days. Right now, I see the lockdown as a way to be flexible. OK, so you might not get all the things done you want to in a day. Relax. You WILL get […]

Motivation Monday #009 | Revit – Simple Roof Discipline

Welcome to the Motivation Monday series from Not Just CAD! Here we go, Motivation Monday #009! It’s the start of another week in lockdown for me here in the UK, and I’m sure most of you are currently working from home due to this nasty Coronavirus (COVID-19), and I sincerely hope you and all your […]

Fantastic Friday #009 AutoCAD | Creating a title block (YouTube)

So, here we are again. Fantastic Friday #009. I am making the foray into the wilds of YouTube this week, to extend the reach of the blog and to give you even MORE knowledge. Plus, being at home, due to the coronavirus situation, gives me more time to give YOU more things to learn too! […]

Terrific Tuesday #002 | AutoCAD Quick Tip – Measuring Areas – Part 4

So, here’s Terrific Tuesday #002. Our last Terrific Tuesday was caused by my brain not functioning well in isolation, as I forgot what day bin day was. This time, it’s because it was Easter Monday yesterday in the UK, and I decided to enjoy the public holiday we have here, even though I was only […]

Fantastic Friday #008 | Revit 2021 (plus the new website!!)

So, here we are again. Fantastic Friday #008. A weird type of Easter starts today, so I hope you all have a great Good Friday and Easter weekend. I know that we are all going a bit stir crazy but, PLEASE stay at home and protect those who are vulnerable and on the front line. […]

Terrific Tuesday #001 | A Terrible Tuesday?

(Image courtesy of David Schwarzenberg on Pixabay) So, here’s a new one for you. Terrific Tuesday. Why is this late blog post called Terrific Tuesday? Well, if you are like me and working from home in isolation in the Norfolk countryside, you sometimes forget what day it is. So much so, that you forget to put the right […]

Fantastic Friday #007 | AutoCAD 2021

So, here we are again. Fantastic Friday (and sometimes Super Saturday) #007. Even though we are all self-isolating and working from home, those amazing bods at Autodesk have made sure that AutoCAD 2021 and various other products came out on time. Well done, Autodesk. And well done on stepping up with various other licensing periods […]

Motivation Monday #006 | Annotative Dimensions – AutoCAD

Welcome to the new Motivation Monday series from Not Just CAD! Every Monday, I will post you a tip or trick you can use in AutoCAD, Revit, PlanGrid, and/or other CAD and BIM tools from Autodesk that will motivate you to do better on a dreary Monday back at work. Here we go! Motivation Monday […]

Fantastic Friday (& Super Saturday) #004 | Split Segment-REVIT

Welcome to the new Fantastic Friday series from Not Just CAD! Every Friday, I will post you a tip or trick you can use in AutoCAD, Revit, PlanGrid, and/or other CAD and BIM tools from Autodesk that will allow you to have a Fantastic Friday feeling before the weekend (and maybe even a Super Saturday […]