Fantastic Friday #002 – It’s Valentines Day!

Welcome to the new Fantastic Friday series from Not Just CAD! Every Friday, I will post you a tip or trick you can use in AutoCAD, Revit, PlanGrid, and/or other CAD and BIM tools from Autodesk that will allow you to have a fantastic Friday feeling before the weekend! OR, as it’s Valentine’s Day today, […]

Motivation Monday #002 – Object Snaps – Revit (SNAPS)

Welcome to the Motivation Monday series from Not Just CAD! Every Monday, I will post you a tip or trick you can use in AutoCAD, Revit, PlanGrid, and/or other CAD and BIM tools from Autodesk that will motivate you to do better on a VERY windy Monday back at work (Storm Ciara is still blowing […]

Fantastic Friday #001 – Dynamic Input (DYNMODE)

Welcome to the new Fantastic Friday series from Not Just CAD! Every Friday, I will post you a tip or trick you can use in AutoCAD, Revit, PlanGrid, and/or other CAD and BIM tools from Autodesk that will allow you to have a fantastic Friday feeling before the weekend! So here goes…..Fantastic Friday numero uno. […]

Motivation Monday #001 – Dim Layer Override (DIMLAYER)

Welcome to the new Motivation Monday series from Not Just CAD! Every Monday, I will post you a tip or trick you can use in AutoCAD, Revit, PlanGrid, and/or other CAD and BIM tools from Autodesk that will motivate you to do better on a dreary Monday back at work. So here goes…..Motivation Monday numero […]

3DConnexion – The CadMouse Pro Wireless

3DConnexion kindly sent me a CadMouse Pro Wireless to test and blog about, and I can safely say that, yes, it IS the ultimate wireless mouse for CAD professionals as 3DConnexion state on their website. Over decades of CAD use, I have used several brands of mice, and the CadMouse Pro Wireless is my new […]

One AutoCAD – Has CadJedi Bitten Off More Than He Can Chew? [PART 7]

Things have been a bit quiet from me for a while. I apologise. That thing called life gets in the way, followed by work, followed by replying to emails, followed by……well, you get the picture, right? I promise I will try to be less tardy and if you see me at Autodesk University 2019 (AU2019) […]

One AutoCAD Gets “One” Vision [Part 6]

March 27th was the big day. Another new version of AutoCAD with AutoCAD 2020 and, in my humble opinion, some superb 20/20 vision from Autodesk (see what I did there?). This includes the AutoCAD in your One AutoCAD subscription as well as standalone, SLM and NLM licenses. I gave it the weekend to check out […]

One AutoCAD Goes To California [PART 5]

Some of you already know this, but I am an [in]structor on the LinkedIn Learning website and I create learning content about AutoCAD as an author. Some have also said that I’m a great Geico gecko impersonator too (it’s the accent), but that’s for you to decide. A couple of times a year, I get […]

Guitars and new tech…fascinating stuff!

Guitars are a passion of mine. For those of you who don’t know, I am not only an AutoCAD user, guru, instructor etc, but I am also a published singer/songwriter, endorsed by Hofner Guitars in Germany (note you may need to click on the little Union Jack – top right – to translate the page). […]