#26 – Advocacy

2024 was not a good year for me. For those of you who don’t know, my father was involved in a severe car crash in November 2023 while I was at AU2023 in Las Vegas, just before I taught an AutoCAD class that was inspired by his ‘shipshape’ philosophy towards everything in life. In my […]

#025 – Why A Podcast?

A good friend, colleague, and mentor of mine recently commented in an email thread that with all the focus on technology, many fail to realise that it is the people who are our most important asset. I could not agree more. With all the AI, machine learning, and automation out there, we still need real […]

#24 – TECH REVIEW – 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse Wireless Bluetooth

Those of us who work in CAD, BIM, and other associated Design & Make industries know the name 3Dconnexion. 3Dconnexion has brought us the SpaceMouse, the CadMouse, and the 3Dconnexion Keyboard. They have kindly sent me one of their latest SpaceMouse iterations, the SpaceMouse® Wireless Bluetooth® Edition, for tech review. I love to review 3Dconnexion […]

#23 – Welcome to Autodesk University 2024: The Ultimate Guide for Newbies

Welcome to Autodesk University 2024 (AU2024)! Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned pro, this guide will help you navigate the exciting, enriching, and sometimes overwhelming experience that is AU. As a veteran AU attendee, speaker, and mentor since 2006, I have attended AU in various locations: some great, some not. I have built up […]

#022 – Celebrating the drafters

imdb.com says Star Wars IV (A New Hope) was released in 1977. I was a mere whippersnapper of eight years old back then, and I remember a group of us were escorted by some of our parents to the Palace cinema in Aldershot, UK, to see what was one of the most iconic movies ever. […]

#20 – Resilience

Monday, 13th November 2023. Autodesk University 2023, Las Vegas. I was sitting in the main keynote, and my phone started buzzing. And it kept buzzing. After leaving the keynote, I saw a missed call from one of my father’s friends back home in the UK. Upon checking messages, I learned my 82-year-old father had had […]

#019 – Autodesk | 2023 State of Design & Make: Another Interpretation

Autodesk recently released its 2023 State of Design & Make report. It made for some incredible reading, and that, combined with the data in the report, describes exactly where we are at with Design & Make in the world right now. One of my fellow Autodesk Community Voices authors, Shelby L. Smith, wrote a blog […]

#18 – Customer Service Is King

Yes. It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? I have been out of the loop for a while. I needed some well-earned downtime not stressing about the next blog post, plus the day-to-day has been mad busy, working for the likes of LinkedIn Learning, Autodesk, and numerous other companies and organisations. I realised that I needed […]

#17 – Transitioning to Parallels – Part 1

I’m a bit of an Apple aficionado, and I love the Apple ecosystem. I run a MacBook Pro, iPad Pro and an iPhone. Some of you may not, and each to their own, but Apple has been my tool of choice for some time now. I also run various pieces of Dell hardware, just for […]

#016 – Community

Apologies for the satellite delay. 2023 started a wee bit ‘off’, so I had to take a bit of time out. I am now back in the groove, so here’s the new blog! Community is an interesting word with many definitions and connotations. After being in a new home community, in our new home, for […]