#23 – Welcome to Autodesk University 2024: The Ultimate Guide for Newbies

Welcome to Autodesk University 2024 (AU2024)! Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned pro, this guide will help you navigate the exciting, enriching, and sometimes overwhelming experience that is AU. As a veteran AU attendee, speaker, and mentor since 2006, I have attended AU in various locations: some great, some not. I have built up […]

#20 – Resilience

Monday, 13th November 2023. Autodesk University 2023, Las Vegas. I was sitting in the main keynote, and my phone started buzzing. And it kept buzzing. After leaving the keynote, I saw a missed call from one of my father’s friends back home in the UK. Upon checking messages, I learned my 82-year-old father had had […]

Fantastic Friday #011 | AU2020

So, here we are. Fantastic Friday #011. You may have noticed my absence from blogging for a while. I have had to focus on business and family. We are now in our SECOND lockdown here in the UK, and I just battened down the hatches for a while. COVID sucks. At this time of year, […]

Motivation Monday #010 | Revit – THE Open Letter to Autodesk

Welcome to Motivation Monday #010 from Not Just CAD! It is a serious one this week, but before I start, I MUST apologise for being off the radar for some time. I have had some personal matters to deal with and I needed to take the necessary time to heal, reflect and move forward. Those […]

Terrific Tuesday #001 | A Terrible Tuesday?

(Image courtesy of David Schwarzenberg on Pixabay) So, here’s a new one for you. Terrific Tuesday. Why is this late blog post called Terrific Tuesday? Well, if you are like me and working from home in isolation in the Norfolk countryside, you sometimes forget what day it is. So much so, that you forget to put the right […]

Motivation Monday #004 – PlanGrid – Autodesk

Welcome to the new Motivation Monday series from Not Just CAD! Every Monday, I will post you a tip or trick you can use in AutoCAD, Revit, PlanGrid, and/or other CAD and BIM tools from Autodesk that will motivate you to do better on a dreary Monday back at work. So here goes….Motivation Monday #004. […]

One AutoCAD – Has CadJedi Bitten Off More Than He Can Chew? [PART 7]

Things have been a bit quiet from me for a while. I apologise. That thing called life gets in the way, followed by work, followed by replying to emails, followed by……well, you get the picture, right? I promise I will try to be less tardy and if you see me at Autodesk University 2019 (AU2019) […]

One AutoCAD Gets “One” Vision [Part 6]

March 27th was the big day. Another new version of AutoCAD with AutoCAD 2020 and, in my humble opinion, some superb 20/20 vision from Autodesk (see what I did there?). This includes the AutoCAD in your One AutoCAD subscription as well as standalone, SLM and NLM licenses. I gave it the weekend to check out […]

One AutoCAD Goes To California [PART 5]

Some of you already know this, but I am an [in]structor on the LinkedIn Learning website and I create learning content about AutoCAD as an author. Some have also said that I’m a great Geico gecko impersonator too (it’s the accent), but that’s for you to decide. A couple of times a year, I get […]

Guitars and new tech…fascinating stuff!

Guitars are a passion of mine. For those of you who don’t know, I am not only an AutoCAD user, guru, instructor etc, but I am also a published singer/songwriter, endorsed by Hofner Guitars in Germany (note you may need to click on the little Union Jack – top right – to translate the page). […]