#022 – Celebrating the drafters

imdb.com says Star Wars IV (A New Hope) was released in 1977. I was a mere whippersnapper of eight years old back then, and I remember a group of us were escorted by some of our parents to the Palace cinema in Aldershot, UK, to see what was one of the most iconic movies ever. […]

#021 – What’s New in AutoCAD 2025?

Another version of AutoCAD has arrived; yes, it has new stuff. Over the decades, AutoCAD has evolved dramatically from the MS-DOS version I started on, with its monochromatic screen, tablet, and puck. It is now a highly capable drafting and modelling application with mobile and web apps. It talks to the cloud and uses machine […]

#18 – Customer Service Is King

Yes. It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? I have been out of the loop for a while. I needed some well-earned downtime not stressing about the next blog post, plus the day-to-day has been mad busy, working for the likes of LinkedIn Learning, Autodesk, and numerous other companies and organisations. I realised that I needed […]

#17 – Transitioning to Parallels – Part 1

I’m a bit of an Apple aficionado, and I love the Apple ecosystem. I run a MacBook Pro, iPad Pro and an iPhone. Some of you may not, and each to their own, but Apple has been my tool of choice for some time now. I also run various pieces of Dell hardware, just for […]