So, Autodesk have FINALLY released a NEW version of Autodesk Design Review!
The last version was 2013 so it is about time!
Many thanks to my good friend at Autodesk, Scott Sheppard, for his blog on this over on It’s Alive In The Lab! (link here).
Autodesk Design Review is a great little tool that allows you to save out your AutoCAD drawings as the Autodesk DWF file format and then review them with tools such as redlining and design and revision comments, and with the ability to save out the DWF with that redlining and comments.
You can then view the redlining and comments in AutoCAD by way of the Markup Set Manager, opening up the marked up DWF file and seeing the redlining and comments in the layout tab of the original drawing file.
What does this do for you? Why will it help you?
Well, we have all heard of the cloud and I am sure many of you use Autodesk products such as A360 Drive and A360 team, but there are still situations where the cloud just isn’t available. Autodesk Design Review covers that little anomaly by providing you with a FREE piece of software that allows collaboration over a traditional client/server network. You don’t need to be a super AutoCAD guru Jedi either to drive it and with minimum training you can be up and running, redlining and commenting at your leisure, making sure that designs are corrected and revised where necessary.
I have used Autodesk Design Review in many training sessions I have run on AutoCAD, and I have used it in industry too. It’s a great little product, highly under-rated and best of all, it will cost you nothing.
So, what are you waiting for?
Here’s the download page!
Enjoy that redlining! (see what I did there?) 🙂