#025 – Why A Podcast?

A good friend, colleague, and mentor of mine recently commented in an email thread that with all the focus on technology, many fail to realise that it is the people who are our most important asset. I could not agree more. With all the AI, machine learning, and automation out there, we still need real […]

#18 – Customer Service Is King

Yes. It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? I have been out of the loop for a while. I needed some well-earned downtime not stressing about the next blog post, plus the day-to-day has been mad busy, working for the likes of LinkedIn Learning, Autodesk, and numerous other companies and organisations. I realised that I needed […]

3DConnexion – The CadMouse Pro Wireless

3DConnexion kindly sent me a CadMouse Pro Wireless to test and blog about, and I can safely say that, yes, it IS the ultimate wireless mouse for CAD professionals as 3DConnexion state on their website. Over decades of CAD use, I have used several brands of mice, and the CadMouse Pro Wireless is my new […]

Guitars and new tech…fascinating stuff!

Guitars are a passion of mine. For those of you who don’t know, I am not only an AutoCAD user, guru, instructor etc, but I am also a published singer/songwriter, endorsed by Hofner Guitars in Germany (note you may need to click on the little Union Jack – top right – to translate the page). […]

AutoCAD 2019 – There can be only ONE….

For those of you old enough to remember the movie Highlander, when the Quickening starts there can be only one. Apart from the stunning Queen soundtrack, it was a great movie, and Connor MacLeod (actor Christopher Lambert) of the clan MacLeod was THE one, combined with incredible support from famous co-star Sean Connery as Juan […]

Not Just CAD! – January 2018 – 30 Years

So, here we are. Nearly at the end of the first month of another year. Christmas is done and the tree is outside looking a bit sorry for itself (awaiting recycling – save the planet, right?). New Year’s Eve has been and gone and Auld Lang Syne is just another memory. I know this blog […]

2016: Another trip around the sun….

Well, here we are again. Another year flies by, and we are all another year older, and some might say, another year wiser (albeit that might not be the case in some people I know, including me). 2016 has been a great year for me and the company professionally and I have moved forward with […]

To Arial or not to Arial…..that is the question….

(or how to choose a good font for CAD & BIM) So, the new role at Farrells is ticking away and, I have to say, I am enjoying the challenge. One of the discussion points in the project team I am in is what font to use. And, more importantly, should it be company-specific, or […]