#23 – Welcome to Autodesk University 2024: The Ultimate Guide for Newbies

Welcome to Autodesk University 2024 (AU2024)! Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned pro, this guide will help you navigate the exciting, enriching, and sometimes overwhelming experience that is AU. As a veteran AU attendee, speaker, and mentor since 2006, I have attended AU in various locations: some great, some not. I have built up […]

#022 – Celebrating the drafters

imdb.com says Star Wars IV (A New Hope) was released in 1977. I was a mere whippersnapper of eight years old back then, and I remember a group of us were escorted by some of our parents to the Palace cinema in Aldershot, UK, to see what was one of the most iconic movies ever. […]

#021 – What’s New in AutoCAD 2025?

Another version of AutoCAD has arrived; yes, it has new stuff. Over the decades, AutoCAD has evolved dramatically from the MS-DOS version I started on, with its monochromatic screen, tablet, and puck. It is now a highly capable drafting and modelling application with mobile and web apps. It talks to the cloud and uses machine […]

#20 – Resilience

Monday, 13th November 2023. Autodesk University 2023, Las Vegas. I was sitting in the main keynote, and my phone started buzzing. And it kept buzzing. After leaving the keynote, I saw a missed call from one of my father’s friends back home in the UK. Upon checking messages, I learned my 82-year-old father had had […]

#019 – Autodesk | 2023 State of Design & Make: Another Interpretation

Autodesk recently released its 2023 State of Design & Make report. It made for some incredible reading, and that, combined with the data in the report, describes exactly where we are at with Design & Make in the world right now. One of my fellow Autodesk Community Voices authors, Shelby L. Smith, wrote a blog […]